
The Weekly Start/Stop

3 Steps to Monetize Your Audience ASAP

Hi Reader,

The minute you start a business or a podcast, a countdown clock to when you run out of money begins.

Whether it's...

  • the softwares you need
  • business expenses you have to pay for
  • or the cost of lead generation...

... businesses and podcasts BLEED cash.

If you're going to survive, you need to monetize your audience ASAP.

I've found 3 specific ways to monetize any audience FAST. If you need to bring in revenue, I don't think there's a faster way you can do it.

Get the list here.

The best news? Strategy #1 works even if you have a small audience.

No matter what your business looks like, I hope you find this helpful!


P.S. If you haven't built an audience of 500 subscribers yet, I share exactly how to get there here.

The Weekly Start/Stop

"It's like James Clear, but for marketing." - A Weekly Start/Stop Subscriber

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