
The Weekly Start/Stop

Delegate something. - Weekly Start/Stop

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Welcome to the Weekly Start/Stop

A weekly reminder to focus on your top priorities. Was this sent to you? Subscribe here so you don't miss the next one.

This Week's Start: Delegate something.

We all have tasks on our plate that we could easily empower someone else to do.

Whether it's copy and pasting something into a social media platform, booking travel details, or checking a box nobody is going to check, we all can pass something off.

Whatever tasks just came to your mind, find a way to delegate it this week.

If you have a teammate who's better wired for that kind of task, ask to swap tasks with them for something you're more gifted at.

If you are a business owner, find a way to hire a virtual assistant for 5 hours a week.

You'll be amazing at how much more free you feel when you aren't doing the tasks you hate each week.

This Week's Stop: Stop using "we" in copy.

When writing marketing copy, always use You over We.

You convicts, We bores.

Example: See how different these feel:

  • You need to do better in this marriage.
  • We need to do better in this marriage.

One moves you to action, while the other is less clear about who it's directed at.

Until Next Week...

Focus on your most important tasks and ignore everything else... Because the future belongs to efficient marketers.

Dillon Smith

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The Weekly Start/Stop

A weekly reminder to focus on the marketing tasks that matter most.

"It's like James Clear, but for marketing." - A Weekly Start/Stop Subscriber

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