
The Weekly Start/Stop

Do 20 Warm Reach Outs Today - Weekly Start/Stop

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read

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This Week's Start: Do 20 Warm Reach Outs Today

I love Alex Hormozi's framework around getting leads. He teaches that there are only four ways that you can get new customers:

  1. Warm Reach Outs - Reaching out to people who already know and trust you
  2. Cold Reach Outs - Reaching out to people who don't know or trust you
  3. Posting Content - This relies on other platforms getting the word out about your content
  4. Paid Ads - These are high-risk, high-reward

If you are looking for more customers, donors, or readers for your book, the best way you'll find them is by doing warm reach outs today. Alex recommends doing 100 a day, but I understand that many of you have full-time jobs and don't have four hours a day to spend on your business.

So I'm only going to ask you to do 20.

Take Action: Think about the 20 people you know who are most likely to know someone who might be interested in buying your product or service. Reach out to them today and use this script:

"Hey, I hope (Insert something personal here) is going well!

I wanted to reach out and let you know about a project I've been working on. (Explain the value of your product or service in 2 sentences.)

Would you know anyone who might be interested in something like this?"

By asking if they know anyone, your request doesn't feel like a sales pitch. It feels like you asking for a favor, and people are naturally wired to want to do other people favors!

This Week's Stop: Save Money By Turning These Ads Off

Think about your current ad strategy. Do you have an ad running right now that you aren't entirely sure if it's producing a positive ROI or not?

Unfortunately this happens way too often. Save yourself some money today by turning that ad off and then seeing what the impact is on your business.

More often then not, you will turn the add off and nothing will change. This means the ad wasn't producing in the first place, so you should leave it off.

Try this this week and let me know what results you see!

Until Next Week...

Focus on your most important tasks and ignore everything else... Because the future belongs to efficient marketers.

Dillon Smith

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The Weekly Start/Stop

A weekly reminder to focus on the marketing tasks that matter most.

"It's like James Clear, but for marketing." - A Weekly Start/Stop Subscriber

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