
The Weekly Start/Stop

Weekly Start/Stop

Hi Reader,

Welcome to the weekly start/stop.

I've been a digital marketer for 7 years... and I've found that 6 Laws of Marketing rule just about everything online.

If you follow these laws, you grow. If not, you start to fall into the abyss of low engagement/no growth.

I outline the 6 Laws of Marketing here.


One of the most detrimental things I do in my business is letting leads sit and cool off.

Good business comes from speed, NOT perfection.

I launched and filled a 10-person group coaching program with...

  • No sales page.
  • No sign-up funnel.
  • Barely even a checkout page.

All I used was a Google doc and speed.

I moved fast in the launch, iterated, and did what I needed to do to fill the program.

So what are you waiting on? What project are you delaying because it's "not ready"?

Do yourself a favor and just launch it today.

Until Next Week...

Focus on your most important tasks and ignore everything else... Because the future belongs to efficient marketers.


P.S. Want to chat about how to launch your own program that sells out? Grab some time on my calendar and we can chat about how I did it:

The Weekly Start/Stop

"It's like James Clear, but for marketing." - A Weekly Start/Stop Subscriber

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