
The Weekly Start/Stop

Weekly Start/Stop - How to Run Your Social Media In 1 Hour Per Month

Welcome to the Weekly Start/Stop

A weekly reminder to focus on your top priorities.

This Week's Start: How to Run Your Social Media In 1 Hour Per Month.

When it comes to social media marketing, the house always wins. But it's possible to tip the odds in your favor.

In this video, I share exactly how to do an entire month of social media marketing in 1 hour.

video preview

Exercise: Book an hour this week to batch a month of simple social media content. Then, use the time you save on your top priorities.

This Week's Stop: Stop Posting Episodes Without a Marketing Plan

So often, I talk to podcasters who believe the lie that posting episodes is enough to have a growing show. They hear from the content gurus that "all you have to do is stay consistent." Unfortunately, they're wrong.

A podcast will only grow from the new traffic you send to it.

Take Action: I recommend using one of the "Core Four" Alex Hormozi teaches in his book $100M Leads and this free course. Specifically, I'd start with "Warm Outreach."

Warm outreach is reaching out to the people you already know and have contact information for. (Instagram Followers, cell numbers, email addresses, Facebook friends, etc.)

Reach out to them, see how they're doing, tell them about your show, and ask if they know anyone who might benefit from your show.

When you do this, you're building a strong base of listeners who can subscribe, rate, and review your show.

Until Next Week...

Focus on your most important tasks and ignore everything else... Because the future belongs to efficient marketers.


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The Weekly Start/Stop

"It's like James Clear, but for marketing." - A Weekly Start/Stop Subscriber

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