
The Weekly Start/Stop

Weekly Start/Stop - Leverage this marketing superpower.

Hi Reader,

Welcome to the weekly start/stop.

In a world filled with distractions, focus is a superpower.

As marketers, the more we focus, the more we win.

Every day, I open my notebook and write down the three tasks that most deserve my focus.

If you don't have a system that sets you up for focus, steal mine today.


How well do you know your advertising numbers?

I've found that most organizations are wasting a big portion of their ad dollars on ads that aren't producing an ROI.

Today I want to encourage you to STOP wasting those dollars.

If you aren't running paid ads, I would encourage to look at how you're spending you time on outreach, and double down on the strategies that are actually working.

Until Next Week...

Focus on your most important tasks and ignore everything else... Because the future belongs to efficient marketers.


P.S. If you haven't yet, Expert Secrets is a must-read for marketers. I talk about why here.

The Weekly Start/Stop

"It's like James Clear, but for marketing." - A Weekly Start/Stop Subscriber

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