
The Weekly Start/Stop

Weekly Start/Stop - One Change Can Double the Value of Your Leads

Welcome to the Weekly Start/Stop

A weekly reminder to focus on your top priorities.

I want to offer a special welcome to the SOLD OUT Audience Growth Accelerator BETA community. We will change the world over the next three months, and I'm so excited you've decided to join us.

Ok, let's talk priorities...

This Week's Start: One Change Can Double the Value of Your Leads

Most marketers run lead-gen campaigns that collect email addresses and call it good there.

They do this because it is the cheapest way to get leads. I get it, and I have even done this myself, but very recently, I learned one simple strategy that doubled the value of my leads.

I teach what that strategy is and how you can use it here.

Efficient marketers find the fastest way to provide value to their audience. This strategy is the best one I've found.

This Week's Stop: When's Your Next Day Off?

If you're like me, you can get into the rhythm of Q3 and plan not to take a day off until Thanksgiving/Christmas.

While I respect and completely understand the hustle, that pace isn't sustainable.

To be most-efficient in the long term, you have to live at a sustainable pace in the short term.

Take Action: Take 5 minutes to book 2 days off between now and Thanksgiving. Commit to healing and recovering as much as you can in those two days. No work. No side-work. Just rest.

Until Next Week...

Focus on your most important tasks and ignore everything else... Because the future belongs to efficient marketers.


P.S. Seriously, this strategy doubled the value of my leads in my last launch. Run a test with this in your business.

The Weekly Start/Stop

"It's like James Clear, but for marketing." - A Weekly Start/Stop Subscriber

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