
The Weekly Start/Stop

You Need to Delete this App Today - Weekly Start/Stop

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read

Welcome to the Weekly Start/Stop

A weekly reminder to focus on your top priorities. Was this sent to you? Subscribe here so you don't miss the next one.

This Week's Start: Solidify Your Knowledge by Teaching It

You don't really know something until you can explain it to someone else in three minutes or less.

You gain a deeper level of knowledge when you put in the work to take an idea down to first principles and then teach the core parts to someone else.

I'd love to give you an opportunity to do this this week.

I'm hosting a free virtual roundtable called Marketing in the Age of Inflation. At the roundtable, each attender will have two minutes to teach the marketing strategy they're seeing work the best in 2024. You can get more information and sign up for the roundtable here!

This Week's Stop: Embrace Digital Minimalism

Want to know the best way to avoid wasting time on social media? Don't give yourself the option in the first place.

Delete your least important social media app off your phone for the next seven days. If you like having more time for what matters, keep it deleted permanently.

Until Next Week...

Focus on your most important tasks and ignore everything else... Because the future belongs to efficient marketers.

Dillon Smith

P.S. Want to share the Weekly Start/Stop via text, social media, or email? Just copy and paste this link:

The Weekly Start/Stop

A weekly reminder to focus on the marketing tasks that matter most.

"It's like James Clear, but for marketing." - A Weekly Start/Stop Subscriber

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